chang chang ge
Chang chang ge is Chinese for "sing, sing, song" or "lots of singing" or "there is song all around."
The calligraphy here does seem to move around: from square to square, square with a line through it, square under a line, and there is emphasis and syncopation, lightness and heaviness of touch. The open square is kou, "mouth." You see kou in the top two changs (and twice, smaller, in the lower character ge). The other part of chang--the two squares each with an inside line--means "sun," "splendor." So you have in the Chinese word for "sing" the notion of mouth and sun/splendor.
There is much song around, here in early July. Robin fledglings are fussing, sparrow parents call out warnings, finches and orioles share the news of newly dried seedheads. The cicadas have started buzzing eveningtime. How is there one moment or word for "song"?
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